Take Flight with Private Pilot 101:

Jan 24, 2024

"Introducing 'Private Pilot 101: A Helicopter Training Blueprint'"

Hello, aviation enthusiasts! Today, we have an exciting announcement to make. Kenny Keller, the man behind Helicopter Online Ground School (HOGS), has some big news for all of you. If you missed his live chat session, don't worry; we've got you covered. Kenny's passion for helicopter flight training is undeniable, and his dedication to providing valuable resources for aspiring helicopter pilots is second to none.

In his recent impromptu session, Kenny shared insights into his latest project – a book that's set to be a game-changer for anyone interested in pursuing a career in aviation. So, let's dive right in and introduce you to "Private Pilot 101: A Helicopter Training Blueprint."

The Backstory
Kenny Keller's journey in the world of helicopter flight training began over a decade ago when he launched Helicopter Online Ground School. Over the years, he's helped countless individuals achieve their dreams of becoming helicopter pilots. However, Kenny noticed a gap in the resources available for beginners.

Many of the materials out there catered to individuals who were already well into their flying careers. There wasn't a comprehensive guide specifically designed for those just starting their journey in aviation. That's when the idea for "Private Pilot 101" was born.



The Book's Focus
"Private Pilot 101: A Helicopter Training Blueprint" is a book created with beginners in mind. While it's tailored for those taking their first steps in helicopter flight training, Kenny emphasizes that even experienced pilots can benefit from its content.

The book covers a wide range of topics, offering insights and guidance based on Kenny's 23 years of experience as a flight instructor. It addresses common questions that beginners often have, such as the cost of training and the level of difficulty involved. But it doesn't stop there – it delves into the essential knowledge required for helicopter flight, ensuring that readers are well-prepared for their aviation journey.



What's Inside?

Here's a sneak peek into some of the chapters you can expect to find in "Private Pilot 101":

Top Ten Most Frequently Asked Questions: Kenny addresses the questions that aspiring pilots frequently ask, providing clear and concise answers.

Getting Started with Flight Training: Learn about scheduling introductory flights and balancing flight and ground lessons.

The Johann Approach: Discover the unique story of Johann, a pilot who successfully completed his training in an unconventional way.

Advanced Maneuvers: Get tips on mastering advanced helicopter maneuvers.

Preparing for the Practical Test: Find out how to prepare effectively for your practical examination.

Practical Test Day: Understand what to expect on the day of your practical test.

Additional Facts: Gain a deeper understanding of helicopter flight training.

HOGS Resource List: Access valuable resources to enhance your training.

Flight Training Tips: Learn from Kenny's wealth of experience with valuable training tips.

Preparing for Solo: Explore what you need to know before taking your first solo flight.

After the First Solo: Discover what comes next in your journey as a helicopter pilot.


How to Get Your Copy www.privateblueprint.com

"Private Pilot 101: A Helicopter Training Blueprint" is set to be launched on Amazon, with the digital version available for an introductory price of $0.99. Kenny and his team encourage readers to check it out, leave reviews, and provide feedback.

Additionally, a paperback version of the book will be released in a month for those who prefer physical copies.

Join the Conversation

As part of the Helicopter Online Ground School community, readers are encouraged to share their feedback and suggestions for the book. Kenny values the input of his students and readers, and your insights can help make the book even better.

So, mark your calendars for the public launch on Saturday and be ready to dive into "Private Pilot 101: A Helicopter Training Blueprint." Whether you're just starting out or looking to enhance your helicopter training knowledge, this book promises to be an invaluable resource.

Stay tuned for more updates, giveaways, and exciting news from Kenny Keller and Helicopter Online Ground School. And don't forget to visit askhogs.com to explore Kenny's virtual assistant, designed to answer your helicopter-related questions.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible aviation journey with Kenny Keller and HOGS. Your passion for helicopters and dedication to learning are what keep this community thriving. Here's to the exciting adventures that lie ahead in your helicopter training!