Congratulations Ground School Member Commercial Check Rides

Oct 05, 2018

Hey, it's Kenny with Helicopter Online Ground School. We got Austin and Roland in the studio here. Austin just landed, Roland got here a few minutes before that. We wanted to just do a quick debrief on their Helicopter Commercial Pilot Check Rides. They're getting ready to head home so we're not going to keep them real long.

Congratulations Ground School Member Commercial Check Rides

Congratulations Ground School Member Commercial Check Rides 


Kenny Keller:                    Hey, it's Kenny with Helicopter Online Ground School. We got Austin and Roland in the studio here. Austin just landed, Roland got here a few minutes before that. We wanted to just do a quick debrief on their Helicopter Commercial Pilot Check Rides. They're getting ready to head home so we're not going to keep them real long.

                                             Austin called me just about three weeks ago on the phone and said, "Hey, Roland and I have been working on our helicopter commercial ratings and it's going good but we're just having a little bit of trouble"

                                           They were with having trouble getting enough time with the helicopter instructor they were working with.

                                           When he called me he stated, "Hey, we've been watching the videos. Wondered if we could come out and fly with you guys." I said sure. I checked with Gary Cleveland and checked with Chris Houser, make sure they had time to come in and help me with these two. We've had a blast. They got here, started a week ago Monday, correct?

Congratulations Ground School Member Commercial Check Rides

Roland:                               Yeah.

Kenny Keller:                      They came in yesterday for some quick last minute touches, and last minute paperwork. They went to Ohio this morning, got their helicopter check rides done. Real quick, either one of you ... a little advice for somebody working on their commercial helicopter rating, getting ready to take their helicopter check rides, just a little bit of advice? Whatever you can think of? I'll make Roland go first.

Roland:                               Yeah. Yeah, it's definitely worth watching the videos a couple times. The one thing you really stressed when we came out here, slow down on your approaches. Slow your helicopter maneuvers and everything. And keep calm on the day of the check ride.

Kenny Keller:                      Right, that's the biggest thing you said today to me when you first came in was, "I did what you said, I just took my time. Thought through what I was doing, and that made all the difference in the world." Right?

Roland:                               Yeah, exactly. Yeah.

Kenny Keller:                      Awesome.

Congratulations Ground School Member Commercial Check Rides

Roland:                               That's right.

Kenny Keller:                      How about Austin? Anything you want to add there before you guys take off?

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Austin:                                 No, just I'd like to say definitely keep watching the Helicopter Online Ground School videos. Just go over them a few times, three or four times if needed. It doesn't matter if you can't get it the first time, do it again.

Kenny Keller:                      Right, which is what we learned with Jamie when he came up here all the way from Texas because he was struggling to get done with his private. He said, "Kenny, just tell your students go through the videos one, two, three times. As many times as it takes." Jamie showed up here with the knowledge he needed because he just keep going through the videos. He said, "I've been through every video three times, Kenny, or more." Showed up and his knowledge was great. All we had to do was just put the finishing touches on anything, test his knowledge a little bit, and he was good to go.

                                             I know they want to get going home. Gary, you want to add anything about the helicopter flight and ground training with these guys?

Gary Cleveland:                 Yeah, it's been a real treat to meet these guys and work with them for a couple of weeks. I knew they'd do great today. Just a sense of pride to see them come back with a ring.

Kenny Keller:                      It's fun when people ... These guys showed up and they had the drive, they've been working hard at it, they've been studying, they've been flying. They didn't have any real problems, they just wanted somebody to kind of put the finishing touches on everything for them. I got fly with them a little bit, I had an absolute blast.

                                             Anyway, we just wanted to fill you in on that. Just congratulate Austin and Roland traveling over here from Illinois to finish up their commercial ratings with us. We will take off now, so give us a like and share. Give us your thoughts down below, and we'll see you in the next video.

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