Enstrom Helicopter Takeoff Tip Online Ground School

Aug 08, 2018

Enstrom Helicopter Takeoff Tip Online Ground School

Hello, I'm Kenny Keller with Helicopter Online Ground School and I want to give you a cool tip for a take off with an Enstrom that an old timer taught me years ago. He said that 30 and 30 makes 60, meaning if you have your manifold pressure set at 30 and you hold that, do not increase any power what so ever, just keep creeping forward as slow as you have to, until you get to 30 knots on your air speed or 30 mile per hour, that will give you a 60 mile an hour climb out with a 500 feet per minute climb and it works.

Today is a nice cool, winter day. I'm flying this Enstrom here that's just a true joy to fly. I just had a blast, going up by myself. First time I've flown alone in a long time without any students or a student there trying to kill me. I had an absolute blast and I tried that method again today and I actually did it with 29 inches of manifold pressure. I could take off, pull no power at all, very little wind, and I didn't have to move very far before I got enough clean air coming in to get that 60 and that 500 feet per minute climb.

Enstrom Helicopter Takeoff Tip Online Ground School

It's a beautiful thing. Whole entire take off never adding any power what so ever because they tell us during a power change, that's when the engine's going to quit. So that's a cool method I've been using for years, it works really, really well and I want to continue on with this video. This is going to be our introduction video for the new Enstrom helicopter specific edition to Helicopter Online Ground School.

Another thing I want to mention is, I'm going to go out and I'm going to do all the maneuvers from every single check ride maneuver for private commercial CFI. I'm going to be filming with Gary some of you know that we're going to be doing Gary's commercial check ride and we're going to be filming all of that. I'm going to do that along with just going out by myself, getting the camera set up and then just going out and doing all the maneuvers, step by step, putting in the input of things I've seen over the years.

I always say, there are all kinds of teaching methods out there. Instructors teach things in a number of different ways. Not saying my way's the best. You always learn more from flying with different people and seeing different techniques and then taking those techniques and applying them to your own flying.

Inside the Enstrom specific section, we've already got pre-flight, some of the basic stuff. We have maneuvers, we have auto rotations, we have emergency stuff. There's a purchase offer button over on the side of the page. Click that button, we have a 30 day money back, no hassle guarantee. We've had that in place for the last 4 years that we've had Helicopter Online Ground School up and running.

We have very few refunds but like with any business anymore, most any reputable business offers a refund. You can refund about anything these days. We stand behind that refund with 30 days, no hassle, money back guarantee, no big deal. All you've got to do is a simple e-mail, "Hey, it wasn't quite for me." Or, "I'd like a refund.". The burden is on me to provide the value. If you'd like to join the Enstrom membership, click that purchase now button, fill out the information and go ahead and get started and let us know what you think.

Enstrom Helicopter Takeoff Tip Online Ground School

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