Meet HOGS Lead Helicopter Instructor Chris Houser
Sep 15, 2017Let Helicopter Online Ground School help you with all of your ratings! We have four FAA certified courses, Private Pilot, Commercial Pilot, Instrument Pilot, and Certified Flight Instructor. We have a bundle pack called Professional Pilot Lifetime Membership, which includes all this for life.
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Meet HOGS Lead Helicopter Instructor Chris Houser
Meet Christopher Houser H.O.G.S. Lead Instructor! He is always behind the scenes flying and doing ground school. We finally got him in front of the camera to get his Beverly Hills PD shirt thanks to HOGS Member Jim Ply! Chris is also going to start presenting with us in the New Helicopter Instrument Pilot Online Course!
Kenny: Just do like I always do, right?
Speaker 2: Wing it. Just wing it.
Kenny: Hey, it's Kenny with Helicopter Online Ground School and here we have our lead instructor, Chris Houser, who you have not seen on camera before. He is a big part of Helicopter Online Ground School. He did all of his ratings with me, private, commercial, CFI. Been flying together about eight years.
Chris: Yeah, probably.
Kenny: Six years ago?
Chris: Yeah.
Kenny: So he's been a CFI. He's been here with us flying. He just ... We could never drag him in front of the camera, so we finally coerced him. Number one, 'cause he has this shirt coming. Jim Ply, one of our members from Beverly Hills P.D., sent all of us shirts, 'cause he knew we were all cops or ex-cops. Now Gary's an ex-cop, since he retired. I'm an ex-cop. Chris is still a cop. And then Brian Rutledge, Operations Manager, he's still a cop.
So Jim Ply sent all four of us Beverly Hills P.D. shirts, so that's for Chris, that we want to give to him, 'cause we just got those in recently. He hadn't been down in a while.
Then considering he's been with us the whole time, he's also getting his I Did It With Hogs shirt. So we're going to give him that and then we're trying to get him to get in front of the camera and do some presenting. If he decides to do that, then he's going to get our cool polo shirt.
Chris: Those are nice polos.
Kenny: They are nice polos.
Chris: I like them.
Kenny: So there's those two shirts. He is CFI, instrument rated, getting ready to work on his double I, so I said why don't you come down and help us while you're refreshing, 'cause he's inside and he's using the new instrument online ground school. We just gave him access to that yesterday so he could start going in and not only use it to refresh his memory, as he's getting ready to do his double I, he can also help us evaluate the program from outside looking in, give us some more insight, since we've got Gary, me, Brian, [Tannin 00:05:46], Taz, and now we throw Chris into the mix, just to help it all make a better program, 'cause it's a team effort.
Tell our viewers, Chris, just a little bit about who you are.
Meet HOGS Lead Helicopter Instructor Chris Houser
Chris: So let's see, I've been flying since 2008. Got my private fixed wing first. Then a year later, switched over and started flying helicopters. I was with a different instructor at first, and then about halfway through that training, somehow Kenny and I found each other, and I've been with him ever since. But even back in the day, when I first started, he had this notebook and would pull it out and ask me questions and quiz me and everything else. But yeah, I've seen the original notebook that was, I don't know, about what? Yea thick and papers falling out of it and everything else.
Kenny: So you went and created your own notebook when you did your CFI.
Chris: I did. I've got a notebook or a binder that's about that thick that I created when I was going through my CFI process. It has helped me tremendously through working with students. It's always nice to flip back and look at my notes and test my students and then all the other paperwork that I have in there. But, yeah, so I got my private with you, commercial with you, CFI with you, and then I added an instrument rating a couple years ago. I went out to St. Louis and did that.
Kenny: Now the plan is to have Tannin work with Chris to get his double I.
Chris: I think that's what we're going to look at, yeah. Tannin doesn't know that yet, but, oh, Tannin, by the way, I might be working with you.
Kenny: Yeah, he'll be excited. Our instrument will be back fairly soon, so that's one option. They're having an R44, might be available to us, might be another option, but Chris is going to get freshened up on his knowledge on the instrument stuff, so he can take the instrument written and get his knowledge where it should be, then jump in with Tannin, do the flying and get his double I.
Anything I should add there, Gary, you can think of?
Gary: No, sounds good.
Kenny: One other thing I was going to say. What was it?
So the instrument course at this time is still available for members. It's not open to the public yet, but we now have 46 videos in there and it's really taken shape. It's looking good. Taz is still producing more videos. Tannin will be back in a week. I'm going to try to get Houser here in front of the camera and maybe do some flight instruments and some other things, as we freshen up his memory.
I know what I wanted to add. We also wanted to get Chris in front of the camera, because more than one of our members have said, hey, who are these other guys you talk about? We haven't seen them. So now just about everybody's been on the camera with the exception of Chris, but now he's been on the camera.
So there's one more, Brian Rutledge, who keeps telling us he's going to do a video and he hasn't done it yet. So the pressure is on for Brian Rutledge to appear in front of cameras so that people know that you're real and not just a figment of my imagination.
All right, well, hey, thanks for coming down today.
Chris: Thanks for the shirts.
Kenny: Glad to give you your shirts.
Chris: I appreciate it. Look forward to doing more videos with you. I'll come prepared and have a lesson or something that we can do for the future.
Kenny: Next time you see him, he'll be in his polo. All right, give us a like and a share and we'll see you in the next video.
Meet HOGS Lead Helicopter Instructor Chris Houser
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