Part 5 Dedicated Online Ground School Member Support
Oct 18, 2018Gary Cleveland: I hope this helps, and as always, we're here to help if you have any further questions. You can feel free to e-mail. We'll answer them promptly. I can try and get a phone call returned on a limited basis for now.
Kenny Keller: Yep. And it'll be better soon as you're full time. Right now, he's still got to work his full time job, and be alert and ready when he has to work. And he comes in when he can on his time off, so right now I'd say [email protected], because that way he can call you back and he will. Gary is much better about returning phone calls then I am, let's be transparent.
Part 5 Dedicated Online Ground School Member Support
Gary's much better about returning phone calls. If he's in filming with me, course he won't be answering the phone, but once we get done filming, he'll be able to return your calls. Gary has his own office now, we got him all set up. He's got everything he needs; computer with double monitors, printer, has a couch, has chairs, so he can go down and do Ground School and not be bothered by things going on inside the studio at Ground School. That way Gary has a dedicated place to conduct business, return phone calls, so when he's down there doing his thing, he knows that we're not going to bother him. Just like when we're down here filming, he's not going to be bothering us, but if we're all working together, then that's different. But it's going to be good that we have that separation. It's worked out good for the Ground so far that Gary has done is, he comes in, we can all hang out and talk and have fun in the studio, and do videos. Then when it's time to do Ground School, they can go down, Gary can close the door, he has everything he needs and has a dedicated place to do Ground School.
Part 5 Dedicated Online Ground School Member Support
So we are looking for some of these next members coming through, maybe we'll film some Ground now that we have these new cameras and a new pan and tilt, and we've got Duel monitors, and we got all kinds of cool stuff now like new mics. We can capture some really good Ground School, where it used to be the couple years ago Gary and I did some commercial videos and it took me forever and ever and ever to edit that stuff because I shot two cameras, two computers with two microphones, took four files, had to ... it was a nightmare anyway.
Now we can get set up, we can go live with multiple cameras and when we're done, if we do a good job, as soon as we hit stop, that is ready to go inside the Ground School. The speed that we're going to be able to put new content into the Ground School for members, I guarantee you, we are going to blow you away. I talk big all the time saying, "Oh we're always adding, we're always updating," and we are, and we do our best. But I have done my best at being on my own, I now have help and I have new equipment. We get better, we get faster. You're going to see more new additions and more new things in Ground School in the next three months than you've seen in the last five years. And it's going to be awesome because we're going to be able to produce content and get it out there quickly, and I promise live events every week.
I used to do a lot of live events and they were hard to do alone, and I had a lot of trouble over the years with internet connection not being fast enough, or the camera not working. I have a mini-TV studio here now. I can produce live events and do stuff that I just could never do before and with having help, having somebody monitoring comments, somebody running cameras, couple of us presenting. We're going to be putting out the best content we've ever had. We're already the number one helicopter online ground school, and we're going to stay there because we're going to stay ahead of anybody else that wants to jump in and try to catch up with us... They can try.
Part 5 Dedicated Online Ground School Member Support
I think that's pretty good. Gary did a fine job. Leave comments for Gary. Support Gary in our new endeavors. I'm thrilled to have him, I can't wait to have him here full time. It's going to be good, I promise. We're going to check, Rachel, sounds like she got another comment.
Rachel: Somebody said, "How the heck can you go wrong with HOGS?"
Kenny Keller: That's right. I'm going to say, "Hell yeah, how you going to go wrong with HOGS?" We do our best. It's all genuine, it's all real, we do the best job we can. I love what I do. These guys dig it, they love coming in here. Gary's ... jumps on camera like he's been doing it for the last 20 years. I'm thrilled, I'm excited. Nice having you back, chief pilot. Welcome aboard. We'll just roll for a second, few seconds, so we don't cut everything off, but [email protected], [email protected]. You're welcome to e-mail me. A lot of stuff I just move over to Gary only because I'm in production mode now and I'm ready to create content and I'm ready to create new videos.
Gary's going to handle customers, doesn't mean I can't talk to you, it just means Gary is going to be there organizing, "Kenny I need this. Kenny you need that. Hey, can you get with so-and-so on this day?" Just to help me be able to create. Gary helping me keep things going on a daily basis just going to be huge, so that I'm going to be happy when he just says, "Hey, I need a new video." "Oh, that's all I got to do." And I'm going to say ... Gary came in and it was actually the night of his CFI. We did his oral portion. That night we stayed in Toledo, the next day he had to fly. We went down to a local joint, had supper, had a beer or two, and we were talking about him going to work for me full time. And he said, "Hey," he goes, "Think about what you've done on your own. And with all the mistakes you've made and being overwhelmed, you've done good, but think about if somebody like me was there with you, where HOGS could go?" And I go, "Are you kidding me, somebody that's organized like Gary." Gary's laid back, police officer, professional, military background. I have police background but not military background. I'm in no means as squared away as Gary is, but that's okay.
Gary being there to organize and direct me is huge. Just absolutely huge, so it's a great fit. And that night he said, "Just think about it," and I go, "God it would be awesome," so this was last winter. And then when he said to me at some ... whether it was that night or another night he goes, "Kenny, I'll be there for you Monday through Friday. I'll be there." And whatever he chooses to pick, 8 to 3, 7, 4, I don't care. He's going to pick his own hours, but he said, "I will be there for you Monday through Friday, and you don't have to worry about it." He worked nights. He's worked nights for years. He's watched me in here work like a mad man and he said, "It's time for you to slow down." I'm still going to work, but I'm going to be happy to work eight hours a day versus 12. I'm going to be happy. And Gary said, "I'll be there for you like clockwork every single day, and you come in when you want. I don't care if you come in at noon, I don't care if you come in at all. I don't care when you come in. I will be there for you every day." And I'm like, "Heck yeah," because I like to create at night and on the weekends when I have quiet time to myself in the studio. That's sometimes when I do some of my best stuff. Sometimes I need people here helping me, but there's times where there's things I just have to do without distraction.
Part 5 Dedicated Online Ground School Member Support
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