Robinson R-22 Specific Training Online Ground School

Jul 02, 2018

Robinson R-22 Specific Training Online Ground School

Robinson R-22 Specific Training Online Ground School. Hello, I'm Kenny Keller, creator of Helicopter Online Ground School, and I want to show you the Robinson R22 Helicopter Training section that we have for all members.



Robinson R-22 Specific Training Online Ground School

Members in the Private, Commercial, Instrument, and CFI all have access to the R-22 specific training videos
We have 39 different Robinson R-22 videos. We go through the POH, General, Limitations, and we've added in some of the helicopter ground school subjects that they've done for us at Odyssey Aeronautics.
They've done an incredible job with some of the ground things, and we've added the pre-flight in there. As you work through these videos, it's going to show you what you've completed and what you haven't, at a glance.
Robinson R-22 Specific Training Online Ground School
One of our ground school customers that sent a message in and he said, "Hey, you know, I wish I understood more about R-22 manifold pressure." We did a video for him. Actually, this video was done by Dave Redmond with Odyssey Aeronautics. He goes through and talks about Robinson manifold pressure, and why it's important on the Robinson R22. He does an incredible, incredible job explaining that.
Our videos are super mobile friendly. They work on all devices. At a quick glance, you can see what portion of the videos you have watched, what you haven't, what you want to work to. You can go back. You can re-watch these as many times as you need to.
The Robinson R-22 Helicopter Training compliments the original Online Ground School and has helped so many people already.
Robinson R-22 Specific Training Online Ground School
Give it a try with the free 24hr test flight. Our system does not charge you until 24hrs, so you simply cancel before 24hrs if you change your mind. If you go over the 24hrs and want a refund, no problem.  All you've got to do is say, "Hey, the training wasn't for me." Or, reply, "Refund please." It's very simple. Our training speaks for itself, and if you don't think it's worth the money you pay, to get access to this training that you can watch on any device, anytime.............. no hassle, money back guarantee. It's that simple.
If you're ready to get started, click the purchase offer button, and then make sure you click the box on that page for opting in on emails if you'd like us to email you with updates. If you don't check that box, then you won't get the normal updates. Click the "purchase offer now button", and you'll get emailed a log in, and you can go right in and start consuming the information. Thanks for checking out our training.
Let us help you with all of your ratings! We have four FAA certified courses, Private PilotCommercial PilotInstrument Pilot, and Certified Flight Instructor. We have a bundle pack called, Professional Pilot Lifetime Membership, that includes all this for life.