Special VFR / No SVFR Why Helicopters Can Request

Sep 04, 2018


Special VFR / No SVFR Why Helicopters Can Request

A new announcement has been posted on "Private Pilot Helicopter Ground School":

I just uploaded a new video answering a member question! I looked up the actual FAA verbiage to give a solid answer to this member!

Justin Knowles on "VFR Sectional Charts

"Kenny In the video you say that the SVFR can not be requested by fixed wing but you can still request as a helicopter and its up to the tower whether or not you receive the SVFR. Why can helicopters still request a SPVFR when it is stated on the chart that no SVFR allowed? Thank you for your time."

Special VFR / No SVFR Why Helicopters Can Request

This new video is 18.2, Lesson 18 video 2 in the private pilot section. I sent this to everyone figuring many will find it useful to have the actual FAA lingo for those that want the why! I am back full time in our offices here since my daughter is back in school! I hope everyone has had a great summer! Lots of great new content to come!

Hello. I'm Kenny Keller, the creator of Helicopter Online Ground School. Today, I want to answer a question from one of our members about NO SVFR, NO Special VFR. This member asked "In the video, you say that the Special VFR cannot be requested by a Fixed Wing, but you can still request it as a helicopter, and it's up to the tower whether or not you can receive that Special VFR. Why can helicopters still request a Special VFR when it's stated on the chart that NO SVFR allowed? Thank you for your time."

Special VFR / No SVFR Why Helicopters Can Request

So, a lot of exceptions to the rules that you'll find in the regulations for helicopters. A lot of times, you'll find "except for helicopters." Helicopters, in general, fly slower. We fly lower. We fly short range missions. Where Fixed Wing, generally are going faster, flying higher. They need an airport and runway to land. Also, say in a larger city where they may have NO Special VFR, they may still need to be able to get police helicopters in around the area, EMS helicopters. I think there's a lot of reasons that they give helicopters an exception, mainly due just to the difference between an airplane and a helicopter and what a helicopter can do safely. Any questions or comments, put those down in the box below, and we'll see you in the next video.

Special VFR / No SVFR Why Helicopters Can Request

Helicopters have unique operating characteristics, the most important which is their ability to execute pinpoint landings during power out emergencies. Furthermore the helicopters increased use by law enforcement and emergency medical agencies requires added flexibility.

Special VFR / No SVFR Why Helicopters Can Request

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